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Applied Electric Inc.

Improve Your Indoor Air Quality with A Whole House Fan

QuietCool Whole House Fans were designed to bring fresh, clean air from outside into your home, replacing the air in your existing home in just minutes. In a time where people are spending more time indoors, it is critical to remove poor indoor air quality that can plague your home.

Whole House Fans

According To The CDC:

“bring As Much Fresh Air Into Your Home As Possible. Bringing Fresh, Outdoor Air Into Your Home Helps Keep Virus Particles From Accumulating Inside.”

A Breathing Home Is A Healthy Home

Poor air quality has become an epidemic across the country. Every home is plagued with airborne illness, VOC gases, stale air, harmful pathogens, viruses, and more. These airborne annoyances can stay clogged inside of a home for months, polluting, and spreading illness throughout your family. Too many people have accepted this as normal when there is a simple solution to this problem.

Improve Your Indoor Air Quality with A Whole House Fan

QuietCool Whole House Fans are just that solution. These incredibly efficient and whisper-quiet fans can help alleviate these issues at the simple press of a button. When turned on, they pull large amounts of air from opened windows, throughout the home, up into the attic, and finally out the attic vents. This process of thermal mass cooling allows your home to completely replace the air in 3-4 minutes.

In fact, using just your A/C and keeping your windows shut could drastically increase the chances of spreading illness throughout your family and home. QuietCool Whole House Fans were designed specifically to pull clean, cool air from outside into your home so you no longer have to simply recondition the same pre-existing air over and over again.

These benefits directly impact indoor air quality and improve ventilation which all experts agree is crucial in a time when indoor air quality is progressively getting worse.


Are You Tired Of Germs Spreading All Winter Long

One of the biggest benefits of a whole house fan is the improvement of indoor air quality. During the winter months, most homeowners shut all the windows in their home and run their furnace all winter long. If a family member gets sick, the airborne viruses will stay in the house for weeks, or even months, which is why the entire family will get sick. By running a whole house fan for 5 to 10 minutes a day during the winter months, you will bring in natural, fresh air while removing the old toxic air.

The best part is, doing this for a short period of time won’t allow for major heat loss to take place in the home, especially if you run it during the warmest time of the day.

People spend around 90% of their lives indoors. Because of this, the American Medical Association is very concerned with indoor air quality. According to the AMA, 1/3 of our national health bill is caused by indoor pollution. Due to new energy codes, each code cycle makes homes that are sealed tighter and tighter. This is making the pre-existing problem worse because it is getting harder to introduce fresh air into a home.

Now that building codes are approaching Net-Zero Energy very quickly, the next focus for building codes will be clean water and indoor air quality. Whole house fans help solve the latter by just a press of a button.

Aluminum Wiring Replacement

What Are The Major Indoor Air Pollutants?

Immediate indoor health effects may show after being exposed to these pollutants. The side effects of these pollutants could include irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat, headaches, dizziness, and fatigue. These pollutants can also worsen conditions such as asthma.

Some of these immediate effects are similar to those from colds or other viral diseases, so it is often difficult to determine if the symptoms are a result of exposure to indoor air pollution or simply just another cold.

For this reason, it is important to have proper ventilation in your home. Whole house fans replace the air in your home in just 2 to 3 minutes which means introducing fresh, clean, outdoor air and pushing out stuffy, polluted, indoor air.

Long term health effects may show up either years after exposure has occurred or only after long or repeated periods of exposure.

To help attempt to avoid these effects, a whole house fan and make your home a healthier and happier place to live!

Whole House Fans

Fuel-burning Combustion Appliances

Whole House Fans

Tobacco Products

Whole House Fans

Excess Moisture

Whole House Fans

Deteriorated Asbestos-containing Insulation

Whole House Fans

Newly Installed Flooring, Upholstery Or Carpet

Whole House Fans

Products For Household Cleaning, Personal Care, Or Hobbies

Whole House Fans

Cabinetry Or Furniture Made Of Certain Pressed Wood Products

Whole House Fans

Central Heating And Cooling Systems And Humidification Devices

Whole House Fans


Whole House Fans


Whole House Fans

Outdoor Air Pollution

Whole House Fans

Pollen And Dust



Whole House Fans

Per the CDC, one of the four best things you can do for your home as it concerns the Recent Covid-19 outbreak is to increase ventilation by opening windows.

Whole House Fans

"whole-house fans can help protect people indoors from airborne transmission of COVID-19 because they increase ventilation with outside air to cool indoor spaces. " - Environmental Protective agency

EPA Report: Indoor Air Quality

Whole House Fans

Harvard has found that ventilation is a crucial part of how viruses and bacteria spread within indoor environments.

Whole House Fans

According to the Lung Association, effective ventilation may help keep bacteria, viruses and other pollutants out of the indoor air. Research shows that airflow and ventilation can alter how diseases spread indoors.

Applied Electric Inc. - Electrical Contractor
Applied Electric Inc. - Electrical Contractor


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